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Advokatfirman Kahn Pedersen ranked in the top tier by Chambers & Partners in Public Procurement

The ranking institute Chambers & Partners has now published this years’ ranking of legal advisors within Public Procurement. Kahn Pedersen is ranked as one of only two firms in Band 1 with the following motivation: “Clients single the firm out for its procurement specialism, one noting the "senior level of advisers and high level of partner attention," and another describing the team as "young and modern in feel but very knowledgeable in the procurement field."” Kristian Pedersen is again ranked on an individual basis in Band 1 with the comment that “He sees the big picture and gives the key answers, even when you don't necessarily know what you need." Erik Olsson is ranked in band 3, and is described as “creative in how he looks at problems from different angles and understands what's really crucial”.

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