
The business of Advokatfirman Kahn Pedersen is conducted through Advokatfirman Kahn Pedersen KB (reg. no. 969769-0775) with its registered office in Stockholm. Advokatfirman Kahn Pedersen holds a corporate income tax certificate (Sw. F-skattsedel) and has VAT registration number SE969769077501. The material on our website is general in nature and in no respect constitutes the provision of any advice. Advokatfirman Kahn Pedersen is not responsible for any direct or indirect use of the material on the website. Nor is Advokatfirman Kahn Pedersen responsible for any material or content on websites to which links are provided on this website. The intellectual property rights to the content on this website are held by Advokatfirman Kahn Pedersen or a third party. Copying or other use of the material, other than in conjunction with visits to the website, may not take place without Advokatfirman Kahn Pedersen’s consent.