Law for Digital and Public Business
We help you plan, structure and execute business deals within and between the constantly evolving spheres of “Digital” and “Public”. Together, we create solid frameworks that last.
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Fö2024/01550, remissvar advokatfirman Kahn Pedersen
Forum för Beredskapsjuridiks årskonferens – program
Forum för Beredskapsjuridiks årskonferens – möjlighet till förhandsanmälan
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Our approach
New Ways to Smarter Business Deals
To us, law is more than just setting up a framework for good business deals. We explore the limitations and possibilities of the relevant legal rules and regulations to meet your needs and the challenges you face. By applying a deep understanding of the challenges involved, we can use the law as a stepping stone to better business deals.

We have extensive experience with deals between public and private entities and understand them very well. This means that we can shape solutions to meet specific commercial objectives. This, in turn, creates the conditions for success.
We develop unique methods and models for complex challenges. We work cross-functionally and perceptively, and use our collective expertise. This means that we can create solid overall solutions.
Our firm was founded with a clear digital focus and our digital expertise is reflected in everything we do. With our sights set on the future, we are constantly developing the ways that we deliver our services so that we can always meet the highest standards.
We offer highly specialized business legal advice and digital services for business challenges within and between the areas of digital and public law.
In order to meet our clients' complex needs, which often span across several of our areas of expertise, we work cross-functionally and in close collaboration – both within the agency and with our clients.
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For us, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We know that caring and teamwork are prerequisites for individual development and success. Would you like to join Kahn Pedersen?
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